We will discuss best practices and solutions that enable companies to integrate quality and application security practices and ensure secure web apps, mobile apps, and APIs.
The webinar will be held on April 29th, 2020, at 15.30. Expected duration is 30 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A.
The Webinar agenda:
1. Introduction (Azur Šaćiragić, ALFATEC Group)
2. Application security Best Practices & Success Stories (Gadi Bashvitz President & CCO at NeuraLegion)
3. Q&A
4. Next steps
The webinar will focus on showing easy-to-use and simple to implement protection tools, by NeuraLegion, in various software development phases, with highly recommended application security standards. We will also discuss best practices in achieving these goals.
NeuraLegion is a leading global provider of Application Security solutions in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Their goal is to help companies secure web applications, mobile applications, and APIs with AI powered application security testing that quickly uncovers security and business logic flaws. With the innovative state of the art AIAST technology (Artificial Intelligence (powered) Application Security Testing), even complex vulnerabilities are detected in modern applications that no other solution is able to find.
During the webinar, we will discuss ways of automatically scanning and identifying security vulnerabilities in your Web applications, Mobile applications, WebSockets, Web Services, and APIs. Also, we will present a couple of problems solved with the tool which combines machine-learning algorithms and an offensive approach to application security testing (AST). The aim is to eliminate the need for complex integration and usage, as well as having to handle false positives in the AST market.
With this tool you can benefit from:
- Unrivaled Detection
- Findings what others cannot
- Automate and integrate the manual processes
- Unprecedented Accuracy
- Truly False Positive Free
- Instant Scalability
- Removing convoluted, lengthy and expensive manual processes
- Seamless SDLC Integration -> DevSecOps
- Significant cost savings
Join the webinar so you can also say ¨We are AIAST!¨
Please apply at e-mail: [email protected]